Common interpretation and meanings related to dreams about trees or parts of a tree

Dreaming about a tree represents a symbol related to one’s personal life and individuality of the person experiencing this vision. The shape of the tree in a dream is a subjective representation and reflection of this person’s or someone else’s, who is very close to the person, life situation and personal existence with relation to other people’s lives.

Trees as dream symbolsA tree in a dream, depending on its kind and state can be a symbol carrying a lot of meanings, both positive and negative, which can be describing dreamer’s body conditions and state, indication about health and physical wellness, ability to grow both physically and intellectually, personal achievements and progress with work as well as connection to the genealogical tree and immediate family or predecessors.

A tree in a dream can also be a representation of how studying and acquiring knowledge is progressing and even how they might affect the life of a person who happened to dream about this symbolic image. It can equally be a simple way for subconscious mind to tell people about their life course and reflect their direct or indirect relationship with others around them (these meanings will largely depend on in what conditions a tree was growing and what kind of a tree shape it has been seen: large, small, a tree with stunted growth, a perfectly shaped or a dwarf tree, a dry or a dead tree).

Tree and bodyTree branches seen in a dream are a symbol of hidden abilities and secret desires or aspirations. Some sources describe dreaming about a tree trunk as an indication of problems related to the dreamer’s spinal cord and basic health conditions which need to be looked at more closely or with more attention. Upper branches and canopy of a tree in a dream point out our connection to the outer space, ability to express ourselves spiritually and find ways to be able to deal with everyday life while relying on a higher levels of cognition and striving for balanced and self-fulfilling future.

Tree roots in a dream are usually what they symbolize in a wake life, they represent basic needs for our existence, connection with ancestors and inner urge to care about humankind or certain people we communicate with on a everyday basis (family, close friends, co-workers or relatives). Tree roots can also be a sign or financial stability and independence, propensity to accumulate wealth and provide for our family.

Tree leaves with all their various shapes, colors and sizes and depending on what state they were seen while dreaming represent subconscious concerns and worries related to personal private life, something we have been going through recently and our current state of consciousness. It is important to note here that even small details in a dream related to tree foliage can affect interpretation of its meaning and help to uncover positive or negative message these dreams may contain.

Universal TreeThe overarching meaning related to dreams about trees can be described as development and growth in time, either for an individual or for relationships and personal connections this individual creates in his or her personal life with other people. Some dream interpretation sources make reference to dreaming about a “universal” tree, an entity which represents the universe we exist in and which carries a special meaning when our mind tries to grasp the fact they exist and learn more about cosmic forces or objects in space which perplex and astonish us by their magnitude.

Lastly, dreaming about trees under certain weather conditions or with seasonal patterns can also reveal a multitude of interpretations and symbolic meanings. Many dream interpretation sources describe dreaming about healthy trees with lush foliage as a sign of personal wellness and material wealth, while dreaming about dry trees stripped of foliage signify times of loneliness and hardship. Depending on a season (winter, summer, spring, autumn), dreams about trees are interpreted as symbols related to the beginning of a new relationship or exciting and fulfilling career or less promising or inspiring outcomes, such as periods of hard work and the need to choose priorities in life in order to succeed or being able to handle many things simultaneously.

Water symbols and visions as a source of dream meaning interpretation.

Carrying waterThe history of humankind carries a special meaning attributed to water symbols and the significance of water in human life cannot be underestimated. Regardless of what a particular water symbol we have in mind, freshwater lake, a river with water flowing freely, or the ocean which can present a danger to people in many forms, the water represents our best friend or our worst enemy depending on the particular event or circumstance related to water. Therefore, it becomes very interesting and challenging to find the correct meaning in interpreting water-related dreams.

Visions of water in our dreams are very powerful images because these kinds of dreams are usually experienced at the peak of our inner feelings and emotions, such as heavy rains, mighty rivers or water falling down on you. Other elements contained in water dreams can be soothing and calming, for example a small stream in a beautiful valley or a relaxing shower. The most powerful and therefore memorable experiences are connected with visions of ocean, such as being lost in the stormy ocean, being helpless or seeking help when all you can see around you is massive volume of water and no signs of land on the horizon. These streams can evoke feelings or emotions related to fear, loneliness or even despair or imminent danger.

Perhaps the most common interpretation of water symbol in the dream is preserving life or protect us from unfavorable events and circumstances or some type of immediate danger we may be anticipating in our waking life. This interpretation is based on a long time experience of humans with water as a source of life. Long time in the past, humans figured out that their life depends on presence of water, and people can go without food much longer than without water. Another important element in subconscious interpretation of water symbols lies in knowing where the water sources are located, because these sources usually exist where the sources of food will be located as well. With the development of trade and travel later on, the water symbols and visions became strongly connected with danger and source of hidden danger. Traveling by water, such as boating on the river or longer travels in the ocean have always been connected with mystery and the world of unknown, that’s why there are so many stories and legends containing images of sea monsters, sirens and frightening creatures inhabiting the depths of the ocean. Polluted or dirty water has always been related to massive diseases, both for humans and domesticated animals and interpreted in a negative sense portending extensive periods of illness or epidemics.

Irrigation pipeDreaming about positive experiences related to water can be related to rejuvenation, welcoming a new life, restoring your energy and becoming physically fit. When people dream about being able to control or direct water, it always means positive emotions and gratifying experience in their life after these kinds of dreams. Ability to control water in your dream can be interpreted as some kind of a key or a solution to your existing problem or dilemma and a promise of being successful in solving the issue.

Another way to describe water under control or manageable water sources is an example of when you dream about a lake or the shoreline of a water body which instill a sense of security and calmness or being able to safely cross these water bodies or get to the shore without any problems or danger. These dreams usually have a very positive charge and promise good things in your life after experiencing this dream.

Calm and still water surface surrounding you in your dream when you are, for example, in the boat in the center of the lake is a good sign of recharging and renewal, which can also mean that you will be able to accomplish and achieve what you are trying to work on in your life. Looking for and finding a source of water as part of your dream is an indication that you are actively looking for time for relaxation and getting away from everyday tasks and duties, for example contemplating going on vacation or taking a trip somewhere far away. This dream is basically telling you that your mind and body are in need of recharging and having a break from your everyday routine tasks.

Uncontrollable water present in your dreams is a sign of worries and concerns accompanying you when you are awake. White-water streams and rivers, raging waterfalls or mountain rivers or lakes without visible shores can be a reflection of uncontrollable or unmanageable life circumstances surrounding the dreamer in real life. Similarly, calm but deep waters may carry the same meaning and evoke similar feelings or emotions for people dreaming about this type of water. This is because deep waters are usually a symbol of potential danger or entering into unknown circumstances or ambiguous undertakings with undefined or unknown outcomes for the dreamer.

Water tapVery interesting interpretation can also be found in various dream interpretation sources regarding tap water or water obtained using a faucet. It is very important to take a note of who is turning the faucet, either you or someone else, and what goal or objective is being sought when you have this kind of dream. The absence of water or inability to get any water from a tap can be a sign of facing some uncertainties or unusual circumstances which may overwhelm you or create obstacles leading to making important decisions in your life.

Snakes in a dream: A good chance for self-assessment and finding what it means.

From a dream interpretation point of view, interpreting dreams containing snake visions is somewhat difficult to deal with because different cultures treat encountering snake with a variety of meanings and explanations. Dream interpretation therefore is represented by a broad spectrum of deciphering this dream vision: from terrifying promises of immediate threat to the symbols of wisdom and intellectual superiority of the dreamer. Dream meanings most commonly follow the history of folklore and storytelling nuances of particular cultures, as well as based on personal experiences recorded in   dream interpretation literature sources.

Snake EyeMost people are afraid of snakes, so any symbol or vision related to snakes contains very powerful and self-destructive fear, pathological in a sense that even a simple image or notion of a snake in a conversation becomes threatening and negative to a great extent. For this group of individuals, dreams containing snakes represent ominous and ill-fated negatively charged premonitions. Dreaming about holding a snake can easily constitute the ultimate in frightening dreaming experiences, although other culture can have this dream interpreted as a sign of wisdom and ordered personal outlook on life and inherent ability to understand and accept the world around them.

For traditional cultures of North America and Asia, snakes most commonly represent wisdom and deep gratification with the world, which is probably based on observations of snakes’ ability to shed their skin, which is subconsciously coded into dreams as the dreamer’s potential for renewal, resolution of life-related problems and issues as well as striving for order and consistency towards things or events present in their life.

Adam and EveFor Judaic and Christian cultures, dreaming about a snake is a symbol of temptation and spiritual resistance in the process of achieving personal goals and aspirations. This notion is stemming from biblical stories and description when The Serpent (the snake), a representation of evil power leads to temptation of first human couple, Adam and Eve in the Eden garden. The symbol of snake in a dream in this context is an indication of a person or persons in the life of the dreamer whom they built unstable or far-from-ideal relationships with.

The Freudian theory also contains symbols of snakes, which are most commonly used by the classical psychotherapists and psychiatrists. In this theory, a snake is a phallic symbol, in many instances, this vision containing a snake represents fear and revolting feeling toward sexual acts of any kind.

Cultural disparities lead to a variety of dream interpretation outcomes and the resulting difficulty to provide a meaningful and reliable dream meaning answers to dreamers across the world. The obvious solution for a person who have had a snake dream is to look deeper into what his or her dream contained. What is your personal attitude towards snakes in real life? Do you feel frightened, intimidated or indifferent? What emotions do snake evoke in you when you see a snake: fright, astonishment or perhaps interest in learning more about them? Have you d a dream encountering a snake together with your friends, parents, strangers? What were surroundings in your dream when you had an encounter with a snake in your dream? Using these answers you will become able to isolate the precise dream keyword from the drop-down list in our database to find correct and meaningful interpretation for your snake dream.

Some people automatically connect the poisonous nature of snakes with the vision of a snake they experienced in their dream, so they tend to interpret such dream as death or illness portending event after they wake up and recall this dream. Other people associate snake dreams with deception or conspiracy because the common image of a snake is usually described as a hiding and virtually unnoticeable creature.

Archetypal meanings and dream interpretation variations provide a broad range of interpretation options available across cultural and national expanses. The ability of a dreamer to separate and generalize individual feelings and emotions toward snakes can mean success in finding the correct meaning of a dream which includes or is related to these unconscious symbolic visions.

On symbols and visions of dreams and dream visions

Large number of individuals have admitted after having their dreams at night to encounter similar incidents or occurrences in waking life, which follow the their dream scenarios or contain various dream recollection symbols. These  real-life situations will most commonly include same visions, feelings or emotions and can be repeating or remain present in the person’s life for long periods of time on a recurring basis. The phenomenon of reliving past dreams also adds some power to people’s intuition, enabling them to compare the events of waking lives to what a particular dream contained in the form of a symbol, vision or collective “storytelling” sequences of events. When dreaming takes place, the brain activity is not excessively overloaded with processing information as it would in the waking life, resulting in more perceptive and focused attention to what is contained in a dream. As a result, we are often left with vivid and sharp images to take with us when we are awake again.
Third EyePost-dreaming analysis can also be divided into visions containing recollections of the past, dealing with relatively new information, which is most commonly attributed to present, or events that could be perceived as upcoming or future events, these visions will be usually accompanied by the signs and symbols which can be associated with something not yet experienced or seen. Most of the dream symbols we can recall from dreaming will be easily classifiable as belonging to a particular group of objects (such as people, animals, places, personal feelings, etc.), while other recollections are not so easy to put in any specific or identifiable group (such as going through very accelerated stages or dreams filled with persistent fear of someone or something we cannot quite describe after we return to our waking lives). Many people have experienced dreams where newer events or objects were progressively added to the same dream, so that when these people had their next dream, it had been perceived as logical continuation or development of previous  recognizable situations or events, which constituted the dream story plot. The projection of such dream visions into the waking consciousness or drawing on interpretive descriptions must be done carefully, since new interpretation of these “remastered” dreams can bring about new meaning, partially or completely change the meaning of previous interpretation and reverse emotional charge and message carried by the dream when dreamers look for answers to predict or anticipate what will be happening in their lives based on their dream recollections.
There is no doubt that our waking life is governed by our choices and decisions we consciously rely on based on our own judgement but one can equally postulate that the outcomes of these actions and decisions can be altered or influenced by the desire to achieve better outcomes, to anticipate and prevent bad things from happening and to become more prepared to face the events of our future existence. Relying on previous experience of people who had particular types of visions and then consulting dream dictionaries to relate these visions as applied to our own life by either avoiding or taking on certain actions, help us to be more psychologically conditioned when we face the world of uncertainties.
Contrary to the popular belief that dream interpretation is only for highly superstitious individuals with great affinity for the world of supernatural phenomena, dream interpretation resonates with people who are curious about their existence or interested about connecting the world of dreams with reality.

Dream interpretation: Scientific and common-folk approaches in trying to explain the existence and value of dreams

The world of unconsciousness when we go to bed and sleep every night can offer many insights and valuable thoughts regarding our brain activity. Many people have devoted their life researching the subject and came up with many theories and explanations that pertaining to the world of dreams and how to interpret them. Interpretation of dreams allows to make meaningful connections between brain activity at night, expressed by visions and symbols on one hand, and what these visions and symbols can represent in reality on the other hand.

Many skeptics of these theories argue that dreams that we have at night have no particular meaning or they are visions that cannot be interpreted or applied in any way to our everyday living. And this is not just the denial of spiritual and superstitious nature of the dreams we have. The scientific meaning of brain activity at night is that it is just a collection of memories and flashbacks that the brain has processed during the day and somehow projects these images into our mind while we are asleep. But one can argue that sometimes we have very interesting and unusual dreams that cannot be explained easily by what we have encountered in our daily activities.

Take, for example, the dreams of flying, meeting celebrities, having magic powers or some other dreams. These unconscious messages bear a very distinct meaning that cannot be just the product off our everyday activity. Many people will look for specific answers in order to explain and find validation for these types of dreams because they do not know how to approach them. While other people can be fearing or become uncomfortable knowing that these images can be a warning sign for something, but they do not know what they mean.

Common FolksCultural and traditional norms sometimes stand in the way for some people to successfully interpret and find the correct answer to their inquiries, because they have some kind of a bias towards resolving their visions and recollections from the dreams they had.

A scientific justification of dreaming usually deals with characterizing human brain and its nocturnal activities as a product of evolution, and having dreams and visions at night means some distinct steps in cognitive activity of human race. This theory offers explanations for different types of dreams we might have, such as nightmares, recurring dreams or something closely related to recollections of reality. At the same time, it is very hard to find a meaningful representation or a connection between various symbols and things that occur in reality, while using this scientific approach. Part of the problem is that people naturally tend to seek for explanation or to console their feelings by finding a direct connection between what they dreamed about and an identifiable, concrete explanation of that dream.

Although scientific theories are valuable being trying to describe and explain dream activities, and also in assessing the psychological nature of dreaming, interpretation of dreams is not fully represented by these methods, so people should look for other sources of information when they try to find a direct connection between their dreams and possible future repercussions or impact on their lives.