On symbols and visions of dreams and dream visions

Large number of individuals have admitted after having their dreams at night to encounter similar incidents or occurrences in waking life, which follow the their dream scenarios or contain various dream recollection symbols. These  real-life situations will most commonly include same visions, feelings or emotions and can be repeating or remain present in the person’s life for long periods of time on a recurring basis. The phenomenon of reliving past dreams also adds some power to people’s intuition, enabling them to compare the events of waking lives to what a particular dream contained in the form of a symbol, vision or collective “storytelling” sequences of events. When dreaming takes place, the brain activity is not excessively overloaded with processing information as it would in the waking life, resulting in more perceptive and focused attention to what is contained in a dream. As a result, we are often left with vivid and sharp images to take with us when we are awake again.
Third EyePost-dreaming analysis can also be divided into visions containing recollections of the past, dealing with relatively new information, which is most commonly attributed to present, or events that could be perceived as upcoming or future events, these visions will be usually accompanied by the signs and symbols which can be associated with something not yet experienced or seen. Most of the dream symbols we can recall from dreaming will be easily classifiable as belonging to a particular group of objects (such as people, animals, places, personal feelings, etc.), while other recollections are not so easy to put in any specific or identifiable group (such as going through very accelerated stages or dreams filled with persistent fear of someone or something we cannot quite describe after we return to our waking lives). Many people have experienced dreams where newer events or objects were progressively added to the same dream, so that when these people had their next dream, it had been perceived as logical continuation or development of previous  recognizable situations or events, which constituted the dream story plot. The projection of such dream visions into the waking consciousness or drawing on interpretive descriptions must be done carefully, since new interpretation of these “remastered” dreams can bring about new meaning, partially or completely change the meaning of previous interpretation and reverse emotional charge and message carried by the dream when dreamers look for answers to predict or anticipate what will be happening in their lives based on their dream recollections.
There is no doubt that our waking life is governed by our choices and decisions we consciously rely on based on our own judgement but one can equally postulate that the outcomes of these actions and decisions can be altered or influenced by the desire to achieve better outcomes, to anticipate and prevent bad things from happening and to become more prepared to face the events of our future existence. Relying on previous experience of people who had particular types of visions and then consulting dream dictionaries to relate these visions as applied to our own life by either avoiding or taking on certain actions, help us to be more psychologically conditioned when we face the world of uncertainties.
Contrary to the popular belief that dream interpretation is only for highly superstitious individuals with great affinity for the world of supernatural phenomena, dream interpretation resonates with people who are curious about their existence or interested about connecting the world of dreams with reality.

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